Monday, April 27, 2009

oh wait

scratch the begining part of what i posted yesterday. just forget about it totally.

yesterday around 4:30pm i was laying in bed at my mom's house messing around on my iPod when I got a new email, WHA WHA?!?! it was from Xavier Demoisy.

okay okay, who's that, right? right? he's the secretary and head of youth exchanges Rotary club Virton, Belgium!! Lets read the email!

OH SHOOT! I almost forgot, you don't know french!

but thats okay I promise, he also typed it in english! How nice of him!:)

now now, thats a whole lot better!

oh & believe me it, it gets even better! I found out today, my first host family!!!!
They are the Genin family!:))) I emailed them today! Now I just need a reply!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Where do I begin?

So a lot has been going on this past month. I havn't made a post in awhile, so here it goes. No, I still have no heard ANYTHING from rotary about my city, my families, my school, NOTHING. So yes, I am still waiting patiently for all that information. I did find out from Bokoff Kaplan that I will be leaving the United States of American on August 14, 2009 & I could not be anymore happier. Now on to more exciting things. About two weeks ago I skipped school & went out to eat with Mariah(going to Spain), Sara(from Spain), Laura(from Belgium), and Mrs.Daphne Cameron. We went to downtown Fernandina & at at the Marina. So many of our questions were answered, it was quite lovley I must say. Then we went "shopping" downtown. It was nice. So now on to more recent news. This past weekend was the district confrence for my district 6970. On Thursday night I went to Callahan and spent the night with Mariah. We didnt get to bed until pretty late, like 12. FIVE THIRTY. we had to leave at 5:30. sucked. So we got maybe at the most five hours of sleep, not cooool. Then we picked up Jennifer, stopped for Starbucks & Chickfla and off to Daytona it was. We got to Daytona right on time. We drove down Atlantic which seemed like FOREVER. We finally found the hotel. Took our stuff up to the room thingy & got dressed. We looked ridiculously tacky in those blazers up oh well. Then we got to talk to everyone and get pins from all the inbounds to put on our blazers, it was nifty.

Then we had this ceramony of flags or something of that nature. We practiced what seemed like forty million times. So finally it came time to have our flag thingy. We were lined up by countries in alphabetical order. Jody said our country, played the national anthem of our coutry, a bunch of old people clapped for us, then we all said thank you rotary to the rotary. MERCI ROTARY. Then when all that was done all the outbounds went back up stairs and ate pizza. Then we had some speech thingy where an inbound, rebound, and outbound made a speech. Then they gave an award to Borna from Croatia. It was sweet. So then we drove to Manatee Island, got unloaded and started the relay for life thing. It was really fun. Funniest time Ive had in awhile, just chilling with all the RYE outbounds and inbounds. I sware we walked that track 38329487239874 times. They had a bunch of live entertainment. It was funny when some random lady goes up there and everyone starts dancing with her.
told you it was pretty EPIC. so then more walking around and playing on this AMAZING playground. so hmn lets see. as it got dark it became more dark being the only thing lighting up the island was the candle lit bags and the moon light, the lights didnt work. then another proformer came and did this fire thingy. also the water in the bathroom didnt run, which was terribly gross. so after while, me, jennifer, kelsey, & lauren got a tad bit tired of walking around. i sorta kinda met up with grant & peter and ditched them, sorryy HAHA. so me, grant, and peter were holding hands skipping down the road it was EPIC, i gave grant a piggy back ride then dropped him. then peter pushed me and i kicked a bag over and it caught on fire so i had to put it out with my shoe. then we went to the dock and played NEVER HAVE I EVER which was a lameo game. then peter pushed me down the hill a few times. then i met back up with lauren, zach, and conor. went to the park, fell asleep, woke back up. went to laurens cars, tried to sleep for like 3 hours maybe, then woke back up. ending ceramony, left the camp. went to the board walk in daytona beach for starbucks, amazing naked juice, and a danish:D then we walked the beach. met up lauren & kelsey. then went to target, got me and bathing suit top. walked the boardwalk. got hennna tattoos and icees and pizza and other fun stuff. basically my trip was a dang blast. heres more pictures.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Public Speaking 6970

BONJOUR! so last saturday was our districts public speaking confrence thingy. So basically everyone in 6970 met at St.Johns community college where we had our interviews at the very begining of this whole process of Rotary Youth Exchange. So I caught a ride with Mariah(going to Spain) and her mommy. We had very interesting conversations on the ride to Palatka. So we finally get there and I am just so excited to see everyone again, you know it has been about 3 MONTHS since I've seen everyone, time is flying man. I actually wasn't that nervous for the speach for some reason. I had no butterflies, I wasn't shaking or anything. Once a few of us went up and said our speech's they split us up into groups to speed up the process. So of course Jody picked me first. I started my VERY short speech in french and I was fine until the first time I looked up and I just started shaking and I couldn't find a way to get the words out of my mouth. The rest of the speech went very well. THEN the critizism. I got made fun of for the way that I moved while I was doing my speech, but its all good. I loved hearing everyone's speech they all made me so happy for everyone. Oh man I was so happy I got to see Bridgette from Tallahasse! She inspires me more than anyone. She wants this experience to go to France more than anyone I know & her french BLEW ME AWAY! She made my stomach drop and tears come out. Rotary Youth Exchange is such a beautiful program. Every aspect of it is. It is so inspiring. I can't even wait until I leave, just around four months from now I will be sitting on an airplane all by myself departing for the jounrny of my life. I will have said goodbye to my family and friends for a whole year. I will be meeting a new family and living with them. I really don't know how to describe my feelings at this point. At times I think that this whole exchange has hit me, but I know that it hasn't. I don't think it will actually hit me until the day I have to hug my mommy goodbye for a whole year. There is so much to do in these next four months. My french really needs to improve big time, but I am sure it will all come together. I also recently discovered the city I will be living at in Belgium. It is called Virton. It is in the very southern part of the country. It is very small, but I think I will like it and it will grow on me. Well I need to cut this short because I am going to wake up bright and early and go to Orlando to go to Universal Studios for the weekend. Bisousssss!<3