Thursday, April 2, 2009

Public Speaking 6970

BONJOUR! so last saturday was our districts public speaking confrence thingy. So basically everyone in 6970 met at St.Johns community college where we had our interviews at the very begining of this whole process of Rotary Youth Exchange. So I caught a ride with Mariah(going to Spain) and her mommy. We had very interesting conversations on the ride to Palatka. So we finally get there and I am just so excited to see everyone again, you know it has been about 3 MONTHS since I've seen everyone, time is flying man. I actually wasn't that nervous for the speach for some reason. I had no butterflies, I wasn't shaking or anything. Once a few of us went up and said our speech's they split us up into groups to speed up the process. So of course Jody picked me first. I started my VERY short speech in french and I was fine until the first time I looked up and I just started shaking and I couldn't find a way to get the words out of my mouth. The rest of the speech went very well. THEN the critizism. I got made fun of for the way that I moved while I was doing my speech, but its all good. I loved hearing everyone's speech they all made me so happy for everyone. Oh man I was so happy I got to see Bridgette from Tallahasse! She inspires me more than anyone. She wants this experience to go to France more than anyone I know & her french BLEW ME AWAY! She made my stomach drop and tears come out. Rotary Youth Exchange is such a beautiful program. Every aspect of it is. It is so inspiring. I can't even wait until I leave, just around four months from now I will be sitting on an airplane all by myself departing for the jounrny of my life. I will have said goodbye to my family and friends for a whole year. I will be meeting a new family and living with them. I really don't know how to describe my feelings at this point. At times I think that this whole exchange has hit me, but I know that it hasn't. I don't think it will actually hit me until the day I have to hug my mommy goodbye for a whole year. There is so much to do in these next four months. My french really needs to improve big time, but I am sure it will all come together. I also recently discovered the city I will be living at in Belgium. It is called Virton. It is in the very southern part of the country. It is very small, but I think I will like it and it will grow on me. Well I need to cut this short because I am going to wake up bright and early and go to Orlando to go to Universal Studios for the weekend. Bisousssss!<3

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